LFG Spectrabox

Photosynthesis plantproces:
This is light that is transformed to chemical energy. It is necesary for the synthesis of the organic components plants are built of. With the photosynthesis de plant provides her energy needs by creating the desired carbohydrates from light, water and co2. This gives the plant the power to grow and flower.


Photomorfogenesis plantproces:
The photomorfogenesis spot contains besides other colourss, the UV-A mainly important for taste and smell and it leads to the final shape of the the plant. Of course this is partialy genetic but it is being processed by certain light.


Photoperiodism plantproces:
The daylength (lightperiod) for many plants is an important source of information to determine the moment to start flowering. The behaviour and develoment of the plants are strongly influenced by the lightperiod. This agian depends on the red/far-red mixture of light. Besides Infrared the red/far-red mixture is very important with the develoment of plants. The red/far-red is being monitored through the photreceptor fytochrome. A fytochrome is a biochromatic photreceptor with absorption in the red/far-red part of the spectrum. Red light mainly is absorbed by the Pr shape (inactive flowerhormone) of fytochrome and far red by the Pfr shape (activated flowering hormone). As result of the absorption of red light the Pr is being transformed to Pfr and vice versa the Pfr is being transformed tp Pr by the absorption of far red light. The final mixture of the Pr and the Pfr shape of the fytochrome is determing for many development processes in the plant, as germinizing seeds, fruit development an even the number of productive light hours in the flowering period.


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